Super Bowl News

2014 Favorite Super Bowl Commercials –

The game itself wasn’t as entertaining this year compared to previous years, the Seattle Seahawks dominated Super Bowl 48 against the Denver Broncos.  But, could it be that because the game was boring to most spectators, more of an emphasis was placed on the commercials?

Overall I thought this was a fun year for commercials, I laughed, cried, felt goose bumps, was wowed and really felt the emotion connected to these special TV commercials.

Let’s go through and show you our favorites from Super Bowl XLVIII, so many commercials, such little time, check them out!

1. This Bud’s on them, “A Hero’s Welcome”

2. Maserati, “Strike”

3. Cheerios, “Gracie”

4. Microsoft, “Empowering”

5. T Mobile, “Tim Tebow, No Contract”

6. Budweiser, “Puppy Love”

7. Hyundai Genesis, “Dad’s Sixth Sense”

8. Radio Shack, “The Phone Call”

9. Dannon , “The Spill”

10. Audi’s, “Doberhuahua”

11. Coca-cola’s, “America the Beautiful”

12. Chevrolet, “life”

Thank you to ad companies that put together these fantastic commercials, otherwise, we would have turned off the game hours before it was over.  If we missed, what was your favorite?  Add to comments below, we look forward to hearing from you!