Super Bowl News

Special Super Bowl Moments

Super Bowl 2015 is the 49th “super bowl” to be played in America. While everyone is very excited to see the iconic and historic Super Bowl 49 unfold in Arizona this year, there is something really exciting taking place this year. For the past 48 Super Bowls the press has been there to cover every moment, this year those moments will be unveiled in a special way.

At a location in Glendale, Arizona known as the “Gallery Glendale” you will be able to see these special Super Bowl moments. The general public is welcome to attend the opening event on January 9th 2015 at Gallery Glendale. The feature is called “Super Moments, Superstars, Super Game — An Associated Press Photo Exhibit.”

This exhibit will display some of the most iconic images from the very first Super Bowl, all of the way up to Super Bowl 48. This is a special exhibit because it’s not every day you can see a collection of famous Super Bowl images all in one spot. The collection is actually featured from the Associated Press—since they have been there since the very first game. It’ll be incredible to see a story through pictures from the same media company over the last 49 years.

Not only will it show how the Super Bowl has changed, it will also show how football has remained a timeless pastime of the American people. If you’d like to check out the “Super Moments, Superstars, Super Game — An Associated Press Photo Exhibit,” then make sure you head over to 9380 W. Westgate Blvd. in Glendale, Arizona.

The exhibit will be open throughout January on Fridays and Saturdays from 6PM to 9PM. It’ll also be open on Pro Bowl Sunday and of course on Super Bowl Sunday! No matter what team you’re rooting for at the 2015 Super Bowl, this is exhibit is a must see. After all, it’s the Super Bowl is a historic event that will hopefully continue for 49+ more years!