The 17th annual Maxim Super Bowl party in Indianapolis, IN was once again the event to see and be seen. The theme of the party was Super Hero’s and you have never in your life come in contact with beautiful Super Hero’s like these. The event was kept up-beat by DJ Vice all night except during the main attraction, Ludacris performing live. Celebrties from all major sports, movie stars, models, you name it, they were there. the 2012 Maxim party was help indoors at the Indiana State Fairgrounds, this made it easy to arrive and depart and the inside was decorated to the nines and looked amazing.
The men’s magazine features local beauties throughout the year, these are the girls that are mingling throughout the party in addition to models and other product representatives. Plenty of dancing and fun was had by all.
Look for the details on how to buy tickets to next years Maxim Party in New Orleans, keep an eye out for the entertainer, party theme and secret location, it’s sure to be an amazing Super Bowl Party once again in 2013.